Advancement and
Alumni Engagement

Love Your Career by Working with Your Values

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Do you love your career? Sadly, many people do not. Are you on autopilot going through the required motions at work? Are you feeling stuck in your career and unclear what to do about it? If you answered yes to these last two questions, it's highly likely you are working against your personal values instead of with them.

Our values drive much of how we experience life and yet many of us aren't able to articulate our values much less be intentional about living and working in alignment with them.

In this interactive webinar, Maureen Sweatman 01T 11B will discuss how to get clear on your values and align them with your career so you can start enjoying your work and maybe even love your career.

Meet the Speaker:

Maureen is the Chief Joy Officer and Founder of Joyful Living Coaching. Maureen is an ICF certified leadership and personal development coach with 20 years of experience specializing in partnering with clients to live and work with more purpose and joy. She helps clients to clarify their limiting beliefs and make the necessary mindset shifts to achieve their goals and make real their vision of who they want to become. And she teaches everyone the transformational power of how to choose joy every day because when clients grow their choice muscles, they learn to choose to operate from an empowered place of strength, confidence, and joy at home and in the workplace.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Virtual via Zoom

Contact Information

Iram Mehal