Advancement and
Alumni Engagement

Keong Min Yoon 16L

Counsel, Cybersecurity and Data Infrastructure 
The World Bank 
Washington, D.C. 

Keong Min Yoon is a graduate of Emory University School of Law and serves as a legal counsel at the World Bank. He specializes in the fields of cybersecurity, data infrastructure, and the digital economy. His role at the World Bank involves a particular focus on developing nations across the globe. Yoon's work goes beyond traditional legal counsel, as he plays a vital role in helping countries leverage technology for economic growth and social well-being. Additionally, he actively contributes to the development of essential legal and policy frameworks to establish a secure and equitable digital environment.

Yoon's international recognition and influence extend beyond his legal counsel role. He is also recognized as a thought leader in the field of cybersecurity. His global influence is evident in his active participation in esteemed forums, including the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.