Advancement and
Alumni Engagement

A Family Affair | FAQs

We're here to help!

Below are answers to frequently asked questions. Please email Kore Breault at if additional assistance is needed.

    Simply email providing proof of payment, if possible (i.e. front and back copy of check, receipt from paying online, etc.). Our Office of Gift Accounting will then research your gift and resend a receipt by mail.
    Business casual is the attire for the Patron Party. Cocktail attire is customary for the main event.

    Donor Advised Funds (DAF)

    The IRS has issued guidance that it is impermissible for a Donor Advised Fund to pay any part of a gift that results in the original donor receiving a benefit such as being able to attend an event. Payments made by Donor Advised Funds (DAF) will receive name recognition but they cannot receive tangible benefits. They will be considered fully charitable.

    For example: If you pay $2,500 for a Friend Sponsorship through a DAF, you will not receive an event ticket or meal in exchange. Eligible benefits will include marketing opportunities only.


    IRA payments may be used for full or partial sponsorship payments. Based on your IRA payment, Emory will provide a receipt specifying the charitable portion and/or the FMV for tangible benefits.

    Example 1: If you pay $2,500 for a Friend Sponsorship through an IRA, you will receive two event tickets and your gift receipt will reflect the FMV and charitable amount based on tangible benefits received.

    Example 2: If you pay for a $2,500 Friend Sponsorship using $2,300 from an IRA and $200 from personal funds to cover the FMV of tangible benefits, you will receive two event tickets and your gift receipt will be for the IRA charitable portion only.


    Foundations will receive name recognition and may accept or decline tangible benefits. Please refer to the IRS guidelines on “Self-Dealing” regarding disqualified persons i.e, Directors, Trustees, Officers, Foundation Managers, and Substantial Contributors. No bifurcation of payments allowed.


    Contact Kore Breault at or (404) 326-6167 if you have questions about sponsorship opportunities.

    Thank you for your interest in sponsoring A Family Affair. View our full range of event sponsorship opportunities here. Sponsorships are payable online, by check, or wire transfer.


    Click here to pay your sponsorship online.


    Please make all checks payable to Emory GADRC and include 2024 A Family Affair - appeal H4VFA on the memo line. Mail checks to the following address

    Office of Gift Accounting
    Emory University
    1762 Clifton Road NE, Suite 2400
    MS: 0970-001-9AA
    Atlanta, GA 30322-4001

    Wire Transfer

    Emory's banking information can be found online here. Please include 2024 A Family Affair - appeal H4VFA for the reference. Email to make us aware your payment is coming.

    Thank you for your interest in supporting the Goizueta Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. 

    Gifts may be made online, by check, or wire transfer.


    Click here if you plan to attend the A Family Affair event on November 21 and would like to include a charitable gift as part of your registration.

    Click here if you do not plan to attend the A Family Affair event on November 21 but would like to make a charitable gift.


    Please make all checks payable to Emory GADRC and include 2024 A Family Affair - appeal H4VFA on the memo line. Mail checks to the following address:

    Office of Gift Accounting
    Emory University
    1762 Clifton Road NE, Suite 2400
    MS: 0970-001-9AA
    Atlanta, GA 30322-4001

    Wire Transfer

    Emory's banking information can be found online here. Please include 2024 A Family Affair - appeal H4VFA for the reference. Email to make us aware your payment is coming.


    Contact Kore Breault at or (404) 326-6167 if you have questions about making a charitable contribution.

    Emory University is a Georgia nonprofit corporation and is a tax-exempt entity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Federal Tax ID Number/EIN is 58-0566256.

    Simply email any guest list changes you'd like. Please be mindful that the tax-deductibility of your gift will remain the same as when you originally communicated how many tickets you would use.

    For example: If you buy a sponsorship requesting admission for four and later decide that only two guests will come on your behalf, the charitable amount of your gift will be calculated based on four attendees. 

    No, A Family Affair is an in-person event scheduled to take place on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at the Atlanta History Center.

    No qualitative or comparative advertising of a sponsor’s products or services, such as pricing, savings, value, purchase/sale inducements, etc. can be included in the program book.

    The Georgia Department of Revenue issued guidelines that non-profits are to apply sales tax to benefits.  8.9% sales tax is included as part of the FMV.