Advancement and
Alumni Engagement

Emory Alumni Board

The Emory Alumni Board (EAB) is an advisory body with working committees that represent the voice of Emory's alumni.

The board consists of 30–35 alumni members, representing the schools and units, affinity groups, and regions that constitute Emory's alumni population with a mission to provide a representative alumni body that will advise the division of Advancement and Alumni Engagement (AAE) and facilitate the successful advancement of its mission to connect alumni to the university and to each other, build traditions, foster student and alumni leadership, serve the diverse needs and interests of our community, and create opportunities for investment in Emory's future.

Get to know the EAB

    Emory Alumni Board Leadership Scholarship

    Created in 2007 by the Emory Alumni Board, the Emory Alumni Board Leadership Scholarship recognizes students who are making a positive impact in the arts or sciences, academic or extracurricular pursuits, or through mentorship, social outreach, or other avenues.

    The scholarship is awarded to at least one full-time undergraduate and at least one full-time graduate student.

    View eligibility requirements and apply here.

    Give to the EAB Leadership Scholarship


    EAB Committees

    The EAB is divided into three functional committees, each responsible for a different core to the mission of the Office of Alumni and Constituent Engagement and the EAA.

      The AAE Committee is the primary advising group of the EAB to the Division of Advancement and Alumni Engagement (AAE). Committee members are knowledgeable of AAE programs, activities, and benefits, as well as engagement goals and metrics. This committee advises the office on setting priorities and policies to advance the mission of AAE. In addition, the committee is responsible for selecting recipients of the EAB Leadership Scholarship.

      The Awards and Student Engagement Committee is responsible for the selection of recipients of major alumni awards, including Emory Medal, J. Pollard Turman Alumni Service, Community Impact, and Jake's Golden Heart. In addition, committee members encourage nomination submissions from varied networks. The committee will advise on programs deemed signature traditions (Homecoming/reunions, Founders Day, Candlelight Crossover, etc.) to ensure appropriate prominence in the Emory student and alumni experience.

      The Leadership and Governance Committee is charged with selecting Emory Alumni Board members, the review and recommendation of alumni candidates for the Emory Board of Trustees, and 40 Under Forty as a component of the leadership pipeline. Committee members are versed in the characteristics of effective volunteer leaders, and in the opportunities to engage and cultivate alumni to ensure a healthy and long-term leadership pipeline.

      Questions about the EAB?
